On our website, some of our web pages may use cookies, as well as some other tracking facilities.
Cookies are a small text file that is mainly used to collect information about website activity which helps us to enhance our website for you and other customers. Some cookies and other tracking facilities may be able to recall previous personal information indicated by the web user.

Many web browsers allow you to control cookies and whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. You can optionally set your web browser (if it allows) to notify you of cookies received or optionally allow you browser to block cookies. Should this be the case, please note that you may not be able to view certain parts of our website or may have to re-enter some details previously entered.

Tracking facilities on the other hand, record information such as internet domain names and host names, IP address (Internet Protocol Address), browser software, operating system type, clickstream patterns and the date and time that you accessed our website.

Our overall use of cookies and other tracking facilities allows us to continually improve our website and our website experience for you and other customers. At times we may analyse information that does not include personal information to identify trends or statistics that can enhance our competitiveness in the marketplace. For more detailed information about cookies, please visit www.allaboutcookies.co.uk.